Selasa, 27 September 2011
Simaklah baik-baik setiap pertanyaan di bawah ini…!
Tulis setiap jawaban Anda pada tempat yang tersedia (di mana Martin!? *wah,, bingung juga nih…sorry… I do not prepare you an interactive form..). Anda hanya diizinkan 15 (lima belas) menit untuk menyelesaikan seluruh test ini
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Simaklah baik-baik setiap pertanyaan di bawah ini…!
Tulis setiap jawaban Anda pada tempat yang tersedia (di mana Martin!? *wah,, bingung juga nih…sorry… I do not prepare you an interactive form..). Anda hanya diizinkan 15 (lima belas) menit untuk menyelesaikan seluruh test ini
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gua mah cuma iseng doank mosting kayak gini,.
soalnya temen-temen di sekolah suka banget ngegombal,.
inii nih beberapa gombalan,.
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soalnya temen-temen di sekolah suka banget ngegombal,.
inii nih beberapa gombalan,.
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Senin, 05 September 2011
Kamu buat aku tersipu buatku malu-malu
Saat bersamamu, saat ku sapa dirimu
Aku kok merinding buluku, kok jadi gugup aku
Saat bersamamu, saat kau senyum padaku
Mungkin inilah rasanya rasa suka pada dirinya
Sejak pertama aku bertanya facebook-mu apa nomermu berapa
Mungkin inilah rasanya cinta pada pandang pertama
Senyuman manismu itu buat aku dag dig dug melulu
Nanti aku follow twitter-mu aku tunggu retweet-mu
Agar aku tahu sukakah kamu kepadaku
Mungkin inilah rasanya rasa suka pada dirinya
Sejak pertama aku bertanya facebook-mu apa nomermu berapa
Mungkin inilah rasanya cinta pada pandang pertama
Senyuman manismu itu buat aku dag dig dug melulu
Yeah cuma kamu cuma kamu yang bisa membuatku
Tidur tak tentu memikirkanmu pujaan hati
Oh kamu cantik sekali
Oh tuhan aku hanya ingin dia tahu
Kau lucu kau sangat lucu
Mungkin inilah rasanya rasa suka pada dirinya
Sejak pertama aku bertanya facebook-mu apa nomermu berapa nomermu berapa
Mungkin inilah rasanya cinta pada pandang pertama
Senyuman manismu itu buat aku dag dig dug melulu
Mungkin inilah rasanya rasa suka pada dirinya
Sejak pertama (sejak pertama) aku bertanya
(kulihat senyumanmu lirikanmu begitu cantiknya kamu)
Facebook-mu apa nomermu berapa
Mungkin inilah rasanya cinta pada pandang pertama
Senyuman manismu itu buat aku dag dig dug melulu
Kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu
Kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu
Saat bersamamu, saat ku sapa dirimu
Aku kok merinding buluku, kok jadi gugup aku
Saat bersamamu, saat kau senyum padaku
Mungkin inilah rasanya rasa suka pada dirinya
Sejak pertama aku bertanya facebook-mu apa nomermu berapa
Mungkin inilah rasanya cinta pada pandang pertama
Senyuman manismu itu buat aku dag dig dug melulu
Nanti aku follow twitter-mu aku tunggu retweet-mu
Agar aku tahu sukakah kamu kepadaku
Mungkin inilah rasanya rasa suka pada dirinya
Sejak pertama aku bertanya facebook-mu apa nomermu berapa
Mungkin inilah rasanya cinta pada pandang pertama
Senyuman manismu itu buat aku dag dig dug melulu
Yeah cuma kamu cuma kamu yang bisa membuatku
Tidur tak tentu memikirkanmu pujaan hati
Oh kamu cantik sekali
Oh tuhan aku hanya ingin dia tahu
Kau lucu kau sangat lucu
Mungkin inilah rasanya rasa suka pada dirinya
Sejak pertama aku bertanya facebook-mu apa nomermu berapa nomermu berapa
Mungkin inilah rasanya cinta pada pandang pertama
Senyuman manismu itu buat aku dag dig dug melulu
Mungkin inilah rasanya rasa suka pada dirinya
Sejak pertama (sejak pertama) aku bertanya
(kulihat senyumanmu lirikanmu begitu cantiknya kamu)
Facebook-mu apa nomermu berapa
Mungkin inilah rasanya cinta pada pandang pertama
Senyuman manismu itu buat aku dag dig dug melulu
Kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu
Kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu kamu
Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011
pertama buat golongan darah A :
Sikapmu lembut, tapi dalam mengambil keputusan nampak tegas. Suka mengalah dan ringan tangan. Suka membantu siapa saja yang sedang dilanda kesusahan. Sekalipun orang yang dit
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Sikapmu lembut, tapi dalam mengambil keputusan nampak tegas. Suka mengalah dan ringan tangan. Suka membantu siapa saja yang sedang dilanda kesusahan. Sekalipun orang yang dit
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Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011
Sebenarnya gampanglah itu, asal kalian mau saja. Gimana caranya ???.... caranya mudah, dan sebenarnya emang mudah, yaitu jadilah Remaja Istimewa.
Lha terus gimana caranya...????, mudah saja, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini:
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Lha terus gimana caranya...????, mudah saja, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini:
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Minggu, 24 Juli 2011
Cabang dari biologi berjumlah ratusan, yang berkembang pesat terutama sejak abad ke-20. Biologi sendiri semula merupakan bagian dari ilmu pengetahuan alam (natural sciences yang dipelajari oleh para naturalis (ahli ilmu-ilmu alamiah). Biologi sebagai ilmu yang mandiri, dalam arti memiliki perangkat analisis dan konsep-konsep ilmiah yang kokoh, baru terbentuk pada abad ke-18, setelah penemuan mikroskop dan tumbangnya dogma generatio spontanea oleh konsep omne vivum ex vivo. Konsep evolusi, pewarisan sifat (hereditas),
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Kamis, 21 Juli 2011
Jumat, 01 Juli 2011
Indonesia di dalam film-film dunia
Drama seri di TVRI dulu, Lionel Lockridge nunjukin kerajinan Bali dan dia bilang sering bepergian ke Bali."
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Drama seri di TVRI dulu, Lionel Lockridge nunjukin kerajinan Bali dan dia bilang sering bepergian ke Bali."
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Seperti yang kita ketahui, Indonesia adalah negara tropis, ciri umum wilayah yang disebut tropis adalah memiliki curah hujan yang banyak. Dalam thread ini akan kita bahas tentang fenomena keunikan hujan dan fakta yang mungkin terlewatkan dari kita.
1. Rata-rata kecepatan jatuhnya air hujan hanyalah 8-10 km/jam.
2. Air jatuh ke bumi dengan kecepatan yang rendah karena titik hujan memiliki bentuk khusus yang meningkatkan efek gesekan atmosfer dan membantu hujan
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1. Rata-rata kecepatan jatuhnya air hujan hanyalah 8-10 km/jam.
2. Air jatuh ke bumi dengan kecepatan yang rendah karena titik hujan memiliki bentuk khusus yang meningkatkan efek gesekan atmosfer dan membantu hujan
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10 Fakta Ilmiah Mimpi
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Serba 10 hal Aneh Unik dan Menarik"Pernah dong mengalami yang namanya mimpi! hari ini kita mau belajar tentang mimpi... Yuk kita baca seputar masalah mimpi.
Mimpi adalah komunikasi antara tubuh, pikiran dan jiwa kita. Tau gak sebenernya sepanjang waktu kita bermimpi meski saat kita lagi bangun, cuma proses itu berlangsung di alam bawah sadar kita.
Berikut ini beberapa fakta menarik mengenai mimpi :
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Serba 10 hal Aneh Unik dan Menarik"Pernah dong mengalami yang namanya mimpi! hari ini kita mau belajar tentang mimpi... Yuk kita baca seputar masalah mimpi.
Mimpi adalah komunikasi antara tubuh, pikiran dan jiwa kita. Tau gak sebenernya sepanjang waktu kita bermimpi meski saat kita lagi bangun, cuma proses itu berlangsung di alam bawah sadar kita.
Berikut ini beberapa fakta menarik mengenai mimpi :
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Berikut ini adalah fakta unik yang menarik sekaligus menggelitik yang ada di dunia ini.
1. Nama paling populer di dunia adalah Muhammad SAW.
2. Jerapah dan tikus bisa bertahan hidup lebih lama tanpa air dari pada unta.
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1. Nama paling populer di dunia adalah Muhammad SAW.
2. Jerapah dan tikus bisa bertahan hidup lebih lama tanpa air dari pada unta.
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1. Nama “Muhammad” adalah nama yang paling populer di seluruh dunia, dan menempati urutan nomor dua di negara inggris untuk nama bayi laki-laki ( urutan pertama ditempati oleh nama ‘Jack’ )
2. Albania merupakan negara satu-satunya di benua Eropa yang 90% penduduknya beragama Islam
3. Kata-kata berikut ini diserap dari bahasa Arab :
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2. Albania merupakan negara satu-satunya di benua Eropa yang 90% penduduknya beragama Islam
3. Kata-kata berikut ini diserap dari bahasa Arab :
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1. Nasi membantu mendongkrak mood.
Karbo mendukung produksi serotonin, senyawa kimia dalam otak yang
menimbulkan perasaan senang. Studi dari
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Karbo mendukung produksi serotonin, senyawa kimia dalam otak yang
menimbulkan perasaan senang. Studi dari
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Selasa, 21 Juni 2011
Tips merawat kuku agar lebih kuat dan indah. Siapa sich yang tidak ingin mempunyai kuku yang kuat dan cantik ?? Semua wanita pasti mengginginkan hal tersebut, karena bukan hanya rambut,wajah dan kulit saja yang harus mendapatkan perawatan, tetapi kuku juga perlu untuk mendapatkan perawatan. Karena kuku termasuk dalam salah satu penampilan bagi kita. Benar g temen-temen?? Walaupun kuku hanya termasuk bagian terkecil dalam penampilan, tetapi kebersihan kuku dan perawatannya juga perlu loch agar penampilan temen-temen menjadi lebih menarik dengan kuku yang kuat dan cantik.. Masa temen-temen sudah cantik dengan rambut dan kulit yang mulus dan menawan, tetapi mempunyai kuku yang mudah patah atau bahkan hitam di bagian atasnya.. Hm... g kebayang dech klo ada yang sampe seperti itu.. @-@
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Senin, 16 Mei 2011
Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa masa pertumbuhan manusia yang paling produktif cuma sampe umur 18 tahun, setelah masa itu masa pertumbuhan perlahan mulai berkurang sampai umur 25 tahun. Selain karena faktor usia hormon pertumbuhan juga bisa berhenti sebelum waktunya karena faktor stres dalam kehidupannya (sekolah, tempat kerja, rumah tangga dll). Faktor lainnya lagi adalah masalah kebiasaan yang tidak sehat seperti diet yang berlebihan, posisi tidur yang tidak baik, olahraga yang salah, postur badan yang tidak semestinya (cacat). Dengan demikian, untuk bertambah tinggi anda harus menghindari faktor-faktor tersebut : harus memiliki nutrisi yang cukup, tidur yang cukup dengan posisi yang baik
Berikut beberapa tips cara meninggikan badan secara alami yang bisa anda coba.
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Berikut beberapa tips cara meninggikan badan secara alami yang bisa anda coba.
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Kamis, 12 Mei 2011
justin bieber bilang muslim cool
Teks asli :
“Muslims should be allowed to build a mosque anywhere they want,” the singer said. “Coming from Canada, I’m not used to this level of intolerance, eh.”
Bieber went on to say that Muslims are “super cool,” Christians are “lame-o-rama,” and that the mosque will help “start a dialogue” with all religions about which Justin Bieber song is the most awesome.
“I was, like, seven when September 11th went down, and frankly I’m surprised people are still going on about it. Move on, already!”
Sumber : washingtonpost
Teks asli :
“Muslims should be allowed to build a mosque anywhere they want,” the singer said. “Coming from Canada, I’m not used to this level of intolerance, eh.”
Bieber went on to say that Muslims are “super cool,” Christians are “lame-o-rama,” and that the mosque will help “start a dialogue” with all religions about which Justin Bieber song is the most awesome.
“I was, like, seven when September 11th went down, and frankly I’m surprised people are still going on about it. Move on, already!”
Sumber : washingtonpost
Senin, 09 Mei 2011
Ohh, No, Ohh No, Ohhh
They say that hate has been sent
So let loose the talk of love(of love, of love)
Before they outlaw the kiss
Baby, give me one last hug(last hug, last hug)
There's a dream
That I've been chasing
Want so badly for it to be reality
(Reality, reality)
And when you hold my hand
Then I understand
That it's meant to be
(cuz baby when you're with me)
It's like an angel came by, and Took me to heaven(and took me to heaven girl)
Cuz when i stare in your eyes,
It couldn't be better.(i don't want you no oh no so..)
Let the music blast
We gon' do our dance
Bring the doubters on
They don't matter at all
Cuz this life's too long
And this love's too strong
So baby know for sure
that,I'll never let you go
I got my favorite girl
Not feelin' no pain, no fear(no fear, no fear)
don't have a care in the World
Why would I, when you are here(you are here)
There's a moment I've been chasin
And I finally caught it out on This floor
Baby, theres no hesitation,
No reservation by taking a chance And more, oh,noo, because
It's like an angel came by, and Took me to heaven(and took me to heaven girl)
Cuz when I stare in your eyes
It couldn't be better
(i don't wan you no oh no.. so)
Let the music blast
We gon' do our dance
Bring the doubters on
They don't matter at all
Cuz this life's too long
And this love's too strong
So baby know for sure
that,I'll never let you go
It's like an angel came by and Took me to heaven(and took me to heaven girl)
Cuz when I stare in your eyes
It couldn't be better
(i don't want you no oh no)
So take my hand, let's just dance
Watch my feet, follow me
Don't be scared, girl I'm here
If you didn't know,
This is loooovee, ohhhh
Let the music blast
We gon' do our dance
Bring the doubters on
They don't matter at all
Cuz this life's too long
And this love's to strong
So baby know for sure'
that,I'll never let you goooooo
so don't fear, don't you worry about a thing
i am here, right here, i'll never let you go
don't shed a tear whenever you need me
i'll be here , i'll never let you go
oh, noo, oh, noo. ohh
i'll never let you go
oh, noo, oh, noo. ohh.
i'll never let you go
They say that hate has been sent
So let loose the talk of love(of love, of love)
Before they outlaw the kiss
Baby, give me one last hug(last hug, last hug)
There's a dream
That I've been chasing
Want so badly for it to be reality
(Reality, reality)
And when you hold my hand
Then I understand
That it's meant to be
(cuz baby when you're with me)
It's like an angel came by, and Took me to heaven(and took me to heaven girl)
Cuz when i stare in your eyes,
It couldn't be better.(i don't want you no oh no so..)
Let the music blast
We gon' do our dance
Bring the doubters on
They don't matter at all
Cuz this life's too long
And this love's too strong
So baby know for sure
that,I'll never let you go
I got my favorite girl
Not feelin' no pain, no fear(no fear, no fear)
don't have a care in the World
Why would I, when you are here(you are here)
There's a moment I've been chasin
And I finally caught it out on This floor
Baby, theres no hesitation,
No reservation by taking a chance And more, oh,noo, because
It's like an angel came by, and Took me to heaven(and took me to heaven girl)
Cuz when I stare in your eyes
It couldn't be better
(i don't wan you no oh no.. so)
Let the music blast
We gon' do our dance
Bring the doubters on
They don't matter at all
Cuz this life's too long
And this love's too strong
So baby know for sure
that,I'll never let you go
It's like an angel came by and Took me to heaven(and took me to heaven girl)
Cuz when I stare in your eyes
It couldn't be better
(i don't want you no oh no)
So take my hand, let's just dance
Watch my feet, follow me
Don't be scared, girl I'm here
If you didn't know,
This is loooovee, ohhhh
Let the music blast
We gon' do our dance
Bring the doubters on
They don't matter at all
Cuz this life's too long
And this love's to strong
So baby know for sure'
that,I'll never let you goooooo
so don't fear, don't you worry about a thing
i am here, right here, i'll never let you go
don't shed a tear whenever you need me
i'll be here , i'll never let you go
oh, noo, oh, noo. ohh
i'll never let you go
oh, noo, oh, noo. ohh.
i'll never let you go
Rabu, 04 Mei 2011
1. Waktu Justin abis konser di Texas, dia nanyain bagus/enggak suara dia di konser tadi ke temen²nya, mereka jawab "I dont know, all we heard was screaming."
2. justin dapetin backup dancers-nya dari YouTube
3. Justin suka bau popcorn
4. kadang² Justin suka stres/kecapean sampe nangis, bahkan dia pernah pengen jadi orang normal (nggak terkenal) kayak dulu lagi
5. "A girl could be sitting on her computer right now, trying to get noticed not knowing she is the future Mrs. Bieber."
6. Justin namain mobillnya LISA, sepedanya HOLLY, laptopnya WELMA, hairdryer-nya JEREMY & sikat giginya BOB
7. Justin bilang dia bakalan kerja di McDonalds kalo dia nggak terkenal kayak sekarang
8. sebenernya mata justin itu gold . tapi kalo di tempat gelap wananya hijau . di tempat terang coklat !
9. Justin says the perfect day would be lying down in bed with his girl and talk for hours!
10. justin bisa liat dan benci kebohongan !
11. if Justin goes to a movie with a girl, he likes to hold her hand and put his arm around her.
12. semua cewe menggap justin sebagai pacar yg PERFECT
13. ketika justin masih kecil dia suka kasih gurunya bunga
14. When Justin sees a girl he likes he will stare at her until she looks at him.
15. kalo kamu kasih nomer kamu ke justin ! dia nelpon kamu tp gak sebagai justin
16. 559 hari yang lalu justin tweet " and dont worry ladies .... IM STILL SINGLE :)
17. justin ; "u know i like u if i keep looking at u"
18. ketika justin sedih mom pattie selalu ada untuknya
19. justin wants to date a girl who get ready quickly & doesn't take a long time getting ready
20. justin hobby main sulap
22. tradisi keluarga justin adalah bertato
23. justin suka cewe yang rambutnya ikal , matanya hitam / coklat / lebih pendek dari dia dan wangi
24. justin akan unfollow sesorang kalo ada yang ngtain dia , keluaga dan temannya
25. kalo ada arahan tentang justin . justin langsung serius
26. hal yg bikin justin down adalah saat dia menato dirinya
27. liburan paling yang disukain justin pas lagi natal
28. justin said " i love to make my fans feel like princess"
29. justin likes it when a girl smells nice .
30. ketika justin flirts rambutnya berarti ada cewe yang bikin dia nervous .
31. once on twitter, justin tweeted " I think ALL of my fans are attractive"
32. justin says he doesn't feel the need to 'dress up' when going up
33. that should be me is a song about justin waiting to be your man
34. Justin: ' I can't live without my fans'
35. Pernah ada fan yang ngetweet ke Justin : "will u marry me?" trus Justin jawab : "yeahh.. come here. I wanna hug u"
36. Justin is the most listed person on twitter
37. kalo justin punya pacar . dia janji bakal beliin pacarnya itu cincin
38. justin pernah menghapus air mata seorang belieber yng sedang nangis
39. jika dikonser justin ada cewe yg gak meratihin dia . justin akan laakuin apa aja biar cewek itu merhatiin Justin
40. Justin likes a girl with manners
41. justin selalu merasa lucu dan aneh bila ada gosip tentang dirinya .
42. jika justin meluk cewe lebih dari 5 detik dia berpikir bahwa cewe itu cute
43. At a meet and greet, Justin told a girl 'you look pretty' and the girl behind screamed 'what the hell'
44. justin benci dengan orang yang judge dia padahal dia gak tau apa - apa
45. Justin's favorite joke is: "What has 142 teeth and holds back the incredible hulk? My zipper"
46. justin pengen punya pacar yang bisa diajak ke tour "MY WORLD"
47. Justin said : "sejak aku pacaran dengan selena bayak fans berubah menjadi haters"
48. Justin doesn't leave the water running when he brushes his teeth. Save the water!
49. Justin's favorite color on a girl is blue.
50. Justin Bieber showers NAKED
51. justin make good grilled cheese
52. Justin gets turned on when a girl bites her lip.
53. justin is claustrophobic and hates going in elevators!
54. Justin doesn't like when someone spamming him, so he cant read all of his mentions
55. @justinbieber is sexy everywhere!
56. Justin said,"Haters will say what they want, but their hate will never stop you from chasing your dream"
57. Justin bilang, formulanya dalam ngedate adalah "Kalo dia seneng, aku juga seneng" ;)"
58. kriteria pacar justin : senyum+mata yg indah,humoris,mengasihi dan dpt dipercaya:)
59. justin punya pipi yg lembut
60. ustin sometimes gets cum on his keyboard so he gets scooter to clean it up
61. Fan: blonde or brunette ? Justin: I love all girls but brunette
62. Justin bersumpah kalo dia pernah digigit kupu-kupu
63. justin suka memanjakan kekasihnya dgn cinta & kdg hadiah,tp bkan UANG
64. justin sering pesen big mac di mc. Donalds
65. justin punya topi tulisan nya i ♥ haters
66. wktu justin di LA, ada haters cwe yang blg " you sucks justin! " trs justin langsung senyum dan nyium hatersnya
67. semua hadiah2 dri beliebers, justin tata rapi di kamar nya justin
68. waktu kecil, justin pengen banget piara gajah
69. justin suka sma parfum yang di pake britney spears
70. kenny menandatangani perjanjian kalo dia bakal jaga justin seumur hidup
71. justin suka ungu karena barney
72. justin pernah nangis karena comment haters
73. waktu sean kingston jatoh dri segway, justin tertawa ga berenti2
74. justin takut tempat sempit + gelap gara2 dia dulu pernah di kunciin sma sodara nya di toy box
75. justin takut sma kucing gara2 dia pernah mimpi di makan kucing
76. justin pengen banget bisa terbang
77. justin lahir jam 12.56
78. justin gasuka sma cwe yang terlalu banyak dandan
79. justin benci banget sma uggs + sunglasses
80. dulu justin nembak cwe, tpi cwe nya nolak dia
81. justin bingung, kenapa cwe ngeluarin darah setiap bulan (menstruasi) tapi ngga mati
82. kalo tour, justin sering ke mall2 buat liat cwe cantik
83. wktu di jerman, justin blg " ich liebe dich (i love you) " ke seorang beliebers, trs beliebers nya pingsan
84. di kampung halaman nya, justin di cap PLAYBOY
85. justin gasuka soda, tpi dia suka sprite
86. joe jonas pernah ngetweets " i cry because i love justin bieber "
87. justin adalah orang ke 27,260,086 yang join di twitter
88. tanggal 2 september 2009 justin jadi TT untuk pertama kali nya
89. lagu common denominator di buat justin untuk caitlin
90. lagu pertama nya justin yang di rekam adalah common denominator
91. kalo justin lg deg2an, justin suka gigit bibir nya
92. toko baju favorite Justin adalah Urban Outfitters
93. Justin says OMB too but he doesnt says "Oh my Bieber" he says "Oh my Beliebers"
94. Justin rekaman 'My World 0.2' hanya dalam waktu 1 minggu
95. biasanya Justin menghabiskan waktu 15 menit dikamar mandi
96. justin ga suka malam2 ke toilet soalnya dia takut gelap .
97. Justin suka ngomong pake bahasa bayi dengan anjingnya yg namanya Sammy
98. umur justin 17 tahun dan dia punya kulit putih
99. jika ada cewe cantik justin akan senyum ke cewek itu, selena cemburu!
100. Katanya Hubungan Justin sama Selena lagi merenggang.
2. justin dapetin backup dancers-nya dari YouTube
3. Justin suka bau popcorn
4. kadang² Justin suka stres/kecapean sampe nangis, bahkan dia pernah pengen jadi orang normal (nggak terkenal) kayak dulu lagi
5. "A girl could be sitting on her computer right now, trying to get noticed not knowing she is the future Mrs. Bieber."
6. Justin namain mobillnya LISA, sepedanya HOLLY, laptopnya WELMA, hairdryer-nya JEREMY & sikat giginya BOB
7. Justin bilang dia bakalan kerja di McDonalds kalo dia nggak terkenal kayak sekarang
8. sebenernya mata justin itu gold . tapi kalo di tempat gelap wananya hijau . di tempat terang coklat !
9. Justin says the perfect day would be lying down in bed with his girl and talk for hours!
10. justin bisa liat dan benci kebohongan !
11. if Justin goes to a movie with a girl, he likes to hold her hand and put his arm around her.
12. semua cewe menggap justin sebagai pacar yg PERFECT
13. ketika justin masih kecil dia suka kasih gurunya bunga
14. When Justin sees a girl he likes he will stare at her until she looks at him.
15. kalo kamu kasih nomer kamu ke justin ! dia nelpon kamu tp gak sebagai justin
16. 559 hari yang lalu justin tweet " and dont worry ladies .... IM STILL SINGLE :)
17. justin ; "u know i like u if i keep looking at u"
18. ketika justin sedih mom pattie selalu ada untuknya
19. justin wants to date a girl who get ready quickly & doesn't take a long time getting ready
20. justin hobby main sulap
22. tradisi keluarga justin adalah bertato
23. justin suka cewe yang rambutnya ikal , matanya hitam / coklat / lebih pendek dari dia dan wangi
24. justin akan unfollow sesorang kalo ada yang ngtain dia , keluaga dan temannya
25. kalo ada arahan tentang justin . justin langsung serius
26. hal yg bikin justin down adalah saat dia menato dirinya
27. liburan paling yang disukain justin pas lagi natal
28. justin said " i love to make my fans feel like princess"
29. justin likes it when a girl smells nice .
30. ketika justin flirts rambutnya berarti ada cewe yang bikin dia nervous .
31. once on twitter, justin tweeted " I think ALL of my fans are attractive"
32. justin says he doesn't feel the need to 'dress up' when going up
33. that should be me is a song about justin waiting to be your man
34. Justin: ' I can't live without my fans'
35. Pernah ada fan yang ngetweet ke Justin : "will u marry me?" trus Justin jawab : "yeahh.. come here. I wanna hug u"
36. Justin is the most listed person on twitter
37. kalo justin punya pacar . dia janji bakal beliin pacarnya itu cincin
38. justin pernah menghapus air mata seorang belieber yng sedang nangis
39. jika dikonser justin ada cewe yg gak meratihin dia . justin akan laakuin apa aja biar cewek itu merhatiin Justin
40. Justin likes a girl with manners
41. justin selalu merasa lucu dan aneh bila ada gosip tentang dirinya .
42. jika justin meluk cewe lebih dari 5 detik dia berpikir bahwa cewe itu cute
43. At a meet and greet, Justin told a girl 'you look pretty' and the girl behind screamed 'what the hell'
44. justin benci dengan orang yang judge dia padahal dia gak tau apa - apa
45. Justin's favorite joke is: "What has 142 teeth and holds back the incredible hulk? My zipper"
46. justin pengen punya pacar yang bisa diajak ke tour "MY WORLD"
47. Justin said : "sejak aku pacaran dengan selena bayak fans berubah menjadi haters"
48. Justin doesn't leave the water running when he brushes his teeth. Save the water!
49. Justin's favorite color on a girl is blue.
50. Justin Bieber showers NAKED
51. justin make good grilled cheese
52. Justin gets turned on when a girl bites her lip.
53. justin is claustrophobic and hates going in elevators!
54. Justin doesn't like when someone spamming him, so he cant read all of his mentions
55. @justinbieber is sexy everywhere!
56. Justin said,"Haters will say what they want, but their hate will never stop you from chasing your dream"
57. Justin bilang, formulanya dalam ngedate adalah "Kalo dia seneng, aku juga seneng" ;)"
58. kriteria pacar justin : senyum+mata yg indah,humoris,mengasihi dan dpt dipercaya:)
59. justin punya pipi yg lembut
60. ustin sometimes gets cum on his keyboard so he gets scooter to clean it up
61. Fan: blonde or brunette ? Justin: I love all girls but brunette
62. Justin bersumpah kalo dia pernah digigit kupu-kupu
63. justin suka memanjakan kekasihnya dgn cinta & kdg hadiah,tp bkan UANG
64. justin sering pesen big mac di mc. Donalds
65. justin punya topi tulisan nya i ♥ haters
66. wktu justin di LA, ada haters cwe yang blg " you sucks justin! " trs justin langsung senyum dan nyium hatersnya
67. semua hadiah2 dri beliebers, justin tata rapi di kamar nya justin
68. waktu kecil, justin pengen banget piara gajah
69. justin suka sma parfum yang di pake britney spears
70. kenny menandatangani perjanjian kalo dia bakal jaga justin seumur hidup
71. justin suka ungu karena barney
72. justin pernah nangis karena comment haters
73. waktu sean kingston jatoh dri segway, justin tertawa ga berenti2
74. justin takut tempat sempit + gelap gara2 dia dulu pernah di kunciin sma sodara nya di toy box
75. justin takut sma kucing gara2 dia pernah mimpi di makan kucing
76. justin pengen banget bisa terbang
77. justin lahir jam 12.56
78. justin gasuka sma cwe yang terlalu banyak dandan
79. justin benci banget sma uggs + sunglasses
80. dulu justin nembak cwe, tpi cwe nya nolak dia
81. justin bingung, kenapa cwe ngeluarin darah setiap bulan (menstruasi) tapi ngga mati
82. kalo tour, justin sering ke mall2 buat liat cwe cantik
83. wktu di jerman, justin blg " ich liebe dich (i love you) " ke seorang beliebers, trs beliebers nya pingsan
84. di kampung halaman nya, justin di cap PLAYBOY
85. justin gasuka soda, tpi dia suka sprite
86. joe jonas pernah ngetweets " i cry because i love justin bieber "
87. justin adalah orang ke 27,260,086 yang join di twitter
88. tanggal 2 september 2009 justin jadi TT untuk pertama kali nya
89. lagu common denominator di buat justin untuk caitlin
90. lagu pertama nya justin yang di rekam adalah common denominator
91. kalo justin lg deg2an, justin suka gigit bibir nya
92. toko baju favorite Justin adalah Urban Outfitters
93. Justin says OMB too but he doesnt says "Oh my Bieber" he says "Oh my Beliebers"
94. Justin rekaman 'My World 0.2' hanya dalam waktu 1 minggu
95. biasanya Justin menghabiskan waktu 15 menit dikamar mandi
96. justin ga suka malam2 ke toilet soalnya dia takut gelap .
97. Justin suka ngomong pake bahasa bayi dengan anjingnya yg namanya Sammy
98. umur justin 17 tahun dan dia punya kulit putih
99. jika ada cewe cantik justin akan senyum ke cewek itu, selena cemburu!
100. Katanya Hubungan Justin sama Selena lagi merenggang.
100 Bieberfact
1. waktu kecil justin sering pakai high heels nya mom Pattie *ahaha lol xD*
2. Justin suka baca buku cerita yang klasik,.
3. Justin tuh selalu online twitter loh! Tapi, jarang ngetweet soalnya dia 'professional creeper' lol
4. Justin likes slow dancing with a girl so he can make the move and kiss her
5. justin mau punya pacar yang lahirnya tahun : 1998 , 1997, 1996 , 1995 , 7994 , 7993 , 1992
6. he says he doesnt understand girls
7. justin ngga suka sama cewe yang pake behel
8. Justin nyumbang 1M buat Jepang
9. Justin suka main water fight sama fans nya
10. His shoe size is seven-- and a half
11. Kenny once said "He tells bad jokes. His pranks are legendary but he is the worst joke-teller ever." about Justin
12. justin pernah bilang dia suka sama anak kecil
13. Justin sempet meluk Debby Ryan waktu di #nsn3d premiere
14. BFFnya Justin itu: Christian Beadles ,Chaz Somers ,Ryan Butler,Caitlin Beadles,Nick Jonas, dan.... Selena Gomez
15. video beyonce yg paling di suka Justin yaitu "Single Ladies"
16. justin mau menikah di hari valentine dan tempatnya di pantai bahamas
17. Justin pernah blg dia ga pernah mimpi. Dia hanya tertidur lalu semua menjadi hitam lalu ia terbangun.
18. Justin itu juru bicara PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) Lol
19. cover song Justin yg paling banyak di tonton = With you : Chris Brown
20. "dia tidak kenal takut. Rasanya tdk percaya, dia begitu cepat mempelajari sesuatu" -justin's teacher said
21. lagu Michael Jackson yg paling disukai Justin itu = Man In The Mirror
22. ternyata Caitlin masih cinta Justin
23. his first cd came out November 17th 2009 :D
24. ternyata Justin pakai kawat gigi yg ga keliatan
25. justin suka dengan tipe cewek yang tidak terlalu mencintainya seperti selena gomez
26. justin termasuk tipe cowok setia
27. justin suka baca sambil tiduran
28. Justin's wearing invisible braces ;)
29. justin suka kue pie rasa apple
30. Justin's dick gets wet when he showers .
31. Justin bilang Miley Cyrus bukan tipenya tetapi dia seneng hangout sama Miley
32. Justin selalu berdoa sebelum konsernya di mulai:-)
33. kalimat bahasa jepang yg pertama kali justin pelajari adalah "bolehkah aku minta no.hapemu?"
34. pas konser, setiap Justin mau nyanyi lagu Baby pasti dia nanya 'Who wants to be my baby?'
35. Justin sama Selena tiap hari telpon2an terus
36. Justin blg kalo dia ga sibuk, dia pengen ikut keluar angkasa bareng chuck norris
37. Justin ga suka menyetrika
38. sebenernya nih, Justin pengen banget jd pemain hockey dgn nomer punggung favoritenya #6 di bawah namanya.
39. justin sangat peduli pada fans nya dan dia membuktikannya dengan cara dia "bermain" sama fans nya di twittter
40. Justin waktu kecil suka dianterin ke sekolah sama kakeknya
41. pas party after grammy,semua artis minum wine,sedangkan Justin ga mau,dia lebih milih minuman kaleng
42. Justin suka membuat fansnya bahagia dgn cara mem-follow mereka :')
43. Justin ternyata engga suka sekolah loh!! Tapiiiii GPA-nya dia 4.0 alias cumlaude. Ngebuktiin dong kalo Justin ini pintar banget!
44. ternyata mamanya Justin punya masalah dalam menyetir!
45. Justin mengaku sering di serang migran setelah bekerja keras
46. Justin suka banget sama video game! Game jadi salah satu kebutuhannya nih. Engga heran dong ya kalo dia punya xbox360 dan PS3
47. Justin mulai bermain skateboard dari umur 4tahun
48. Justin ga suka cewek yang pake tindik di sekitar wajahnya
49. waktu Justin belum terkenal, dia ga pernah bilang sama temen-temenya kalo dia bisa nyanyi
50. justin suka ciuman yang lama
51. Vanessa anak dari Johnny Depp ternyata Belieber juga
52. justin lebih suka smile :) daripada smile (:
53. justin lebih suka smile :) daripada smile (:
54. Justin pikir cewek itu keliatan imut pas tidur♥
55. Justin says his fans always inspire him to write his music,
56. in NSN 3D film, there are some Justin's scene who was shirtless ;)
57. nomer favorit justin adalah enam (6)
58. "I could never date a girl who is too in love with me in which he would do anything for me,"
59. Justin said his first heartbreak was when his hamster died when he was 7th yo
60. moto pribadi justin itu = Keluarga Yang Utama =)"
61. Justin bilang belieber di Asia cantik2
62. Tai lalat Justin yang keliatan di muka cuma 3, padahal kira-kira ada 10 tai lalat di muka nya
63. Justin sering nyanyi pas lagi mandi
64. Justin posted the number of the guy that hacked Ryan's account on twitter and he recieved 26,000 non-stop texts
65. Justin posted the number of the guy that hacked Ryan's account on twitter and he recieved 26,000 non-stop texts
66. A fan showed up to one of Justin's concert wearing a wedding dress, hoping Justin would marry her.
67. before dating with Selena Gomez, Justin admitted that he had been dating with 3 girls, including Caitlin Beadles.
68. Justin said : When Chuck Norris enters a room, he doesn't turn the lights on, he turns the dark off.
69. Twitter blocked Justin Bieber from the Trending Topics list because he was on it all the time.
70. Justin's favourites Fruit is Bananas,grapes
71. At a concert, Justin once said, "If you want my attention, scream as loud as you can."
72. Pattie claims that she always gets a seperate hotel room than Justin because because he gets hyper at night.
73. Justin told a fan she was so beautiful because he overheard her saying she would never bee good enough for him...
74. When Justin was 9 he ripped his 7 year old cousin's Barbie’s head off...
75. Justin thinks it’s cool when you show that you love your mom,
76. Justin pikir orang muslim itu cool :)
77. @justinbieber tries his hardest to stay innocent
78. Justin says he is rarely in any awkward situations
79. besides,Never say Never Justin aslo said"never" in NLYG,overboard,Love me,Down to earth,Omaha mall haha
80. Justin says that he won't like it when Jazmyn starts to date, but he will accept it because he loves her
81. Justin tooks Caitlin and Christian Beadles to Bahamas cause noone find the golden ticket on My world 2.0
82. Justin is turned off when his fans are TOO obsessed with him
83. Justin is the only one who has a white and golden blackberry. No one else on Earth has one
84. Justin: “I LOVE GIRLS, I LOVE GIRLS, I LOVE GIRLS!” *pattie slaps Justin* Justin: “okay i’ll shut up”
85. Justin only sleeps an average of 6 hours per night!
86. Justin has Ipad,Blackberry,Mac,Ipod,Iphone and Samsung Galaxy Tab
87. Justin's first kiss was with a girl named Shay
88. I look crazy as heck on the cover (of people magazine)
89. Justin hates when people take pictures of him eating
90. Justin creeps on Twitter for a while almost every night. He says 'It's like reading a bedtime story!'
91. If Justin was fighting with his girlfriend and she started crying he would stop and just hold her
92. Justin's least favourite subject is biology.
93. 21 April 2011 followers justin mencapai 9 juta
94. justin gasuka sama orang lebay
95. 86% background di twitter foto Justin semua dan foto profil di twitter kebanyakan foto Justin juga
96. Justin gak mau cewek yang sempurna, dia mau cewek yang biasa aja, dan dia bisa nerima ke-tidaksempurnaan ceweknya
97. justin ga pake sabuk tapi dia pake tali sepatu
98. kata yang pertama kali justin ucapin itu MAMA
99. Justin bilang cinta bisa terjadi kapan aja dan sama siapa aja ;)
100. Justin is HOT :)
1. waktu kecil justin sering pakai high heels nya mom Pattie *ahaha lol xD*
2. Justin suka baca buku cerita yang klasik,.
3. Justin tuh selalu online twitter loh! Tapi, jarang ngetweet soalnya dia 'professional creeper' lol
4. Justin likes slow dancing with a girl so he can make the move and kiss her
5. justin mau punya pacar yang lahirnya tahun : 1998 , 1997, 1996 , 1995 , 7994 , 7993 , 1992
6. he says he doesnt understand girls
7. justin ngga suka sama cewe yang pake behel
8. Justin nyumbang 1M buat Jepang
9. Justin suka main water fight sama fans nya
10. His shoe size is seven-- and a half
11. Kenny once said "He tells bad jokes. His pranks are legendary but he is the worst joke-teller ever." about Justin
12. justin pernah bilang dia suka sama anak kecil
13. Justin sempet meluk Debby Ryan waktu di #nsn3d premiere
14. BFFnya Justin itu: Christian Beadles ,Chaz Somers ,Ryan Butler,Caitlin Beadles,Nick Jonas, dan.... Selena Gomez
15. video beyonce yg paling di suka Justin yaitu "Single Ladies"
16. justin mau menikah di hari valentine dan tempatnya di pantai bahamas
17. Justin pernah blg dia ga pernah mimpi. Dia hanya tertidur lalu semua menjadi hitam lalu ia terbangun.
18. Justin itu juru bicara PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) Lol
19. cover song Justin yg paling banyak di tonton = With you : Chris Brown
20. "dia tidak kenal takut. Rasanya tdk percaya, dia begitu cepat mempelajari sesuatu" -justin's teacher said
21. lagu Michael Jackson yg paling disukai Justin itu = Man In The Mirror
22. ternyata Caitlin masih cinta Justin
23. his first cd came out November 17th 2009 :D
24. ternyata Justin pakai kawat gigi yg ga keliatan
25. justin suka dengan tipe cewek yang tidak terlalu mencintainya seperti selena gomez
26. justin termasuk tipe cowok setia
27. justin suka baca sambil tiduran
28. Justin's wearing invisible braces ;)
29. justin suka kue pie rasa apple
30. Justin's dick gets wet when he showers .
31. Justin bilang Miley Cyrus bukan tipenya tetapi dia seneng hangout sama Miley
32. Justin selalu berdoa sebelum konsernya di mulai:-)
33. kalimat bahasa jepang yg pertama kali justin pelajari adalah "bolehkah aku minta no.hapemu?"
34. pas konser, setiap Justin mau nyanyi lagu Baby pasti dia nanya 'Who wants to be my baby?'
35. Justin sama Selena tiap hari telpon2an terus
36. Justin blg kalo dia ga sibuk, dia pengen ikut keluar angkasa bareng chuck norris
37. Justin ga suka menyetrika
38. sebenernya nih, Justin pengen banget jd pemain hockey dgn nomer punggung favoritenya #6 di bawah namanya.
39. justin sangat peduli pada fans nya dan dia membuktikannya dengan cara dia "bermain" sama fans nya di twittter
40. Justin waktu kecil suka dianterin ke sekolah sama kakeknya
41. pas party after grammy,semua artis minum wine,sedangkan Justin ga mau,dia lebih milih minuman kaleng
42. Justin suka membuat fansnya bahagia dgn cara mem-follow mereka :')
43. Justin ternyata engga suka sekolah loh!! Tapiiiii GPA-nya dia 4.0 alias cumlaude. Ngebuktiin dong kalo Justin ini pintar banget!
44. ternyata mamanya Justin punya masalah dalam menyetir!
45. Justin mengaku sering di serang migran setelah bekerja keras
46. Justin suka banget sama video game! Game jadi salah satu kebutuhannya nih. Engga heran dong ya kalo dia punya xbox360 dan PS3
47. Justin mulai bermain skateboard dari umur 4tahun
48. Justin ga suka cewek yang pake tindik di sekitar wajahnya
49. waktu Justin belum terkenal, dia ga pernah bilang sama temen-temenya kalo dia bisa nyanyi
50. justin suka ciuman yang lama
51. Vanessa anak dari Johnny Depp ternyata Belieber juga
52. justin lebih suka smile :) daripada smile (:
53. justin lebih suka smile :) daripada smile (:
54. Justin pikir cewek itu keliatan imut pas tidur♥
55. Justin says his fans always inspire him to write his music,
56. in NSN 3D film, there are some Justin's scene who was shirtless ;)
57. nomer favorit justin adalah enam (6)
58. "I could never date a girl who is too in love with me in which he would do anything for me,"
59. Justin said his first heartbreak was when his hamster died when he was 7th yo
60. moto pribadi justin itu = Keluarga Yang Utama =)"
61. Justin bilang belieber di Asia cantik2
62. Tai lalat Justin yang keliatan di muka cuma 3, padahal kira-kira ada 10 tai lalat di muka nya
63. Justin sering nyanyi pas lagi mandi
64. Justin posted the number of the guy that hacked Ryan's account on twitter and he recieved 26,000 non-stop texts
65. Justin posted the number of the guy that hacked Ryan's account on twitter and he recieved 26,000 non-stop texts
66. A fan showed up to one of Justin's concert wearing a wedding dress, hoping Justin would marry her.
67. before dating with Selena Gomez, Justin admitted that he had been dating with 3 girls, including Caitlin Beadles.
68. Justin said : When Chuck Norris enters a room, he doesn't turn the lights on, he turns the dark off.
69. Twitter blocked Justin Bieber from the Trending Topics list because he was on it all the time.
70. Justin's favourites Fruit is Bananas,grapes
71. At a concert, Justin once said, "If you want my attention, scream as loud as you can."
72. Pattie claims that she always gets a seperate hotel room than Justin because because he gets hyper at night.
73. Justin told a fan she was so beautiful because he overheard her saying she would never bee good enough for him...
74. When Justin was 9 he ripped his 7 year old cousin's Barbie’s head off...
75. Justin thinks it’s cool when you show that you love your mom,
76. Justin pikir orang muslim itu cool :)
77. @justinbieber tries his hardest to stay innocent
78. Justin says he is rarely in any awkward situations
79. besides,Never say Never Justin aslo said"never" in NLYG,overboard,Love me,Down to earth,Omaha mall haha
80. Justin says that he won't like it when Jazmyn starts to date, but he will accept it because he loves her
81. Justin tooks Caitlin and Christian Beadles to Bahamas cause noone find the golden ticket on My world 2.0
82. Justin is turned off when his fans are TOO obsessed with him
83. Justin is the only one who has a white and golden blackberry. No one else on Earth has one
84. Justin: “I LOVE GIRLS, I LOVE GIRLS, I LOVE GIRLS!” *pattie slaps Justin* Justin: “okay i’ll shut up”
85. Justin only sleeps an average of 6 hours per night!
86. Justin has Ipad,Blackberry,Mac,Ipod,Iphone and Samsung Galaxy Tab
87. Justin's first kiss was with a girl named Shay
88. I look crazy as heck on the cover (of people magazine)
89. Justin hates when people take pictures of him eating
90. Justin creeps on Twitter for a while almost every night. He says 'It's like reading a bedtime story!'
91. If Justin was fighting with his girlfriend and she started crying he would stop and just hold her
92. Justin's least favourite subject is biology.
93. 21 April 2011 followers justin mencapai 9 juta
94. justin gasuka sama orang lebay
95. 86% background di twitter foto Justin semua dan foto profil di twitter kebanyakan foto Justin juga
96. Justin gak mau cewek yang sempurna, dia mau cewek yang biasa aja, dan dia bisa nerima ke-tidaksempurnaan ceweknya
97. justin ga pake sabuk tapi dia pake tali sepatu
98. kata yang pertama kali justin ucapin itu MAMA
99. Justin bilang cinta bisa terjadi kapan aja dan sama siapa aja ;)
100. Justin is HOT :)
Senin, 02 Mei 2011
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah oh
Ah ah ah ah
I always knew you were the best
the coolest girl I know
so prettier than all the rest
the star of my show
so many times I wished
you'd be the one for me
but never knew you'd get like this
girl what you do to me
you're who I'm thinkin of
girl you ain't my runner up
and no matter what you're always number one
my prize posession
one and only
adore ya girl i want ya
the one I cant live without
that's you that's you
you're my special little lady
the one that makes me crazy
of all the girls I've ever known
it's you, it's you
my favorite, my favorite
my favorite, my favorite girl
my favorite girl
you're used to goin out'your way
to impress these mr. wrongs
but you can be yourself with me
I'll take you as you are
I know they said believe in love
it's a dream that cant be real
so girl let's write a fairytale
and show 'um how we feel
you're who I'm thinkin of
girl you aint my runner up
and no matter what you're always number one
my prize posession
one and only
adore ya girl I want ya
the one I cant live without
that's you that's you
you're my special little lady
the one that makes me crazy
of all the girls ive ever known
it's you, it's you
my favorite, my favorite
my favorite, my favorite girl
my favorite girl
baby it's you
my favorite, my favorite
my favorite, my favorite girl
my favorite girl
you take my breath away
with everything you say
i just wanna be with you
my baby my baby oh
my miss dont play no games
treat you no other way
than you deserve cuz you're the girl of my dreams
my prize posession
one and only
adore ya girl I want ya
the one I cant live without
that's you that's you
you're my special little lady
the one that makes me crazy
of all the girls I've ever known
it's you, it's you
my prize posession
one and only
adore ya girl I want ya
the one I cant live without
that's you that's you
you're my special little lady
the one that makes me crazy
of all the girls ive ever known
it's you, it's you
my favorite, my favorite
my favorite, my favorite girl
my favorite girl
my favorite, my favorite
my favorite, my favorite girl
my favorite girl
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah oh
Ah ah ah ah
I always knew you were the best
the coolest girl I know
so prettier than all the rest
the star of my show
so many times I wished
you'd be the one for me
but never knew you'd get like this
girl what you do to me
you're who I'm thinkin of
girl you ain't my runner up
and no matter what you're always number one
my prize posession
one and only
adore ya girl i want ya
the one I cant live without
that's you that's you
you're my special little lady
the one that makes me crazy
of all the girls I've ever known
it's you, it's you
my favorite, my favorite
my favorite, my favorite girl
my favorite girl
you're used to goin out'your way
to impress these mr. wrongs
but you can be yourself with me
I'll take you as you are
I know they said believe in love
it's a dream that cant be real
so girl let's write a fairytale
and show 'um how we feel
you're who I'm thinkin of
girl you aint my runner up
and no matter what you're always number one
my prize posession
one and only
adore ya girl I want ya
the one I cant live without
that's you that's you
you're my special little lady
the one that makes me crazy
of all the girls ive ever known
it's you, it's you
my favorite, my favorite
my favorite, my favorite girl
my favorite girl
baby it's you
my favorite, my favorite
my favorite, my favorite girl
my favorite girl
you take my breath away
with everything you say
i just wanna be with you
my baby my baby oh
my miss dont play no games
treat you no other way
than you deserve cuz you're the girl of my dreams
my prize posession
one and only
adore ya girl I want ya
the one I cant live without
that's you that's you
you're my special little lady
the one that makes me crazy
of all the girls I've ever known
it's you, it's you
my prize posession
one and only
adore ya girl I want ya
the one I cant live without
that's you that's you
you're my special little lady
the one that makes me crazy
of all the girls ive ever known
it's you, it's you
my favorite, my favorite
my favorite, my favorite girl
my favorite girl
my favorite, my favorite
my favorite, my favorite girl
my favorite girl
justin bieber was born to be somebody, but i was born to tell him that i love him,.
lol XD
lol XD
Can you feel me when I think about you?
With every breath I take
Every minute, no matter what I do
My world is an empty place
Like I've been wonderin the desert
For a thousand days ( ohhuh )
Don't know if it's a mirage
But I always see your face, baby
I'm missing you so much
Can't help it, I'm in love
A day without you is like a year without rain
I need you by my side
Don't know how I'll survive
A day without you is like a year without rain
Ohhohoh, Woooaaahh woaahh
The stars are burning
I hear your voice in my mind ( it's in my mind )
Can't you hear me calling
My heart is yearning
Like the ocean that's running dry
Catch me I'm falling
It's like the ground is crumbling underneath my feet
Won't you save me
There's gonna be a monsoon
When you get back to me
Ohhhh baby
I'm missing you so much
Can't help it, I'm in love (love)
A day without you is like a year without rain
I need you by my side (side)
Don't know how I'll survive
A day without you is like a year without rain
Ohhohoh, Woooaaahh woaahh
So let this drought come to an end
And may this desert flower again
I'm so glad you found me
Stick around me
It's a world of wonder
With you in my life
So Hurry baby, Don't waste no more time
And I need you here
I can't explain
But a day without you
Is like a year without rain
I'm missing you so much (much)
Can't help it, I'm in love
A day without you is like a year without rain
I need you by my side (side)
Don't know how I'll survive
A day without you is like a year without rain
Ohhohoh, Woooaaahh woaahh
Ooohh, Ooooooooouuhh
Can you feel me when I think about you?
With every breath I take
Every minute, no matter what I do
My world is an empty place
Like I've been wonderin the desert
For a thousand days ( ohhuh )
Don't know if it's a mirage
But I always see your face, baby
I'm missing you so much
Can't help it, I'm in love
A day without you is like a year without rain
I need you by my side
Don't know how I'll survive
A day without you is like a year without rain
Ohhohoh, Woooaaahh woaahh
The stars are burning
I hear your voice in my mind ( it's in my mind )
Can't you hear me calling
My heart is yearning
Like the ocean that's running dry
Catch me I'm falling
It's like the ground is crumbling underneath my feet
Won't you save me
There's gonna be a monsoon
When you get back to me
Ohhhh baby
I'm missing you so much
Can't help it, I'm in love (love)
A day without you is like a year without rain
I need you by my side (side)
Don't know how I'll survive
A day without you is like a year without rain
Ohhohoh, Woooaaahh woaahh
So let this drought come to an end
And may this desert flower again
I'm so glad you found me
Stick around me
It's a world of wonder
With you in my life
So Hurry baby, Don't waste no more time
And I need you here
I can't explain
But a day without you
Is like a year without rain
I'm missing you so much (much)
Can't help it, I'm in love
A day without you is like a year without rain
I need you by my side (side)
Don't know how I'll survive
A day without you is like a year without rain
Ohhohoh, Woooaaahh woaahh
Ooohh, Ooooooooouuhh
wouldn't wanna be anybody else
[Verse 1]
You made me insecure
Told me I wasn’t good enough
But who are you to judge
When you’re a diamond in the rough
I’m sure you got some things
You’d like to change about yourself
But when it comes to me
I wouldn’t want to be anybody else
Na na na
Na na na
I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me
Na na na
Na na na
You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
Who says
[Verse 2]
It’s such a funny thing
How nothing’s funny when it’s you
You tell ‘em what you mean
But they keep whiting out the truth
It’s like a work of art
That never gets to see the light
Keep you beneath the stars
Won’t let you touch the sky
Na na na
Na na na
I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me
Na na na
Na na na
You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
Who says
Who says you’re not star potential
Who says you’re not presidential
Who says you can’t be in movies
Listen to me, listen to me
Who says you don’t pass the test
Who says you can’t be the best
Who said, who said
Won’t you tell me who said that
Yeah, who said
Who says you're not perfect
Who says you're not worth it
Who says you're the only one that's hurting
trust me
That's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty
Who says you're not beautiful
Who says
[Verse 1]
You made me insecure
Told me I wasn’t good enough
But who are you to judge
When you’re a diamond in the rough
I’m sure you got some things
You’d like to change about yourself
But when it comes to me
I wouldn’t want to be anybody else
Na na na
Na na na
I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me
Na na na
Na na na
You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
Who says
[Verse 2]
It’s such a funny thing
How nothing’s funny when it’s you
You tell ‘em what you mean
But they keep whiting out the truth
It’s like a work of art
That never gets to see the light
Keep you beneath the stars
Won’t let you touch the sky
Na na na
Na na na
I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me
Na na na
Na na na
You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
Who says
Who says you’re not star potential
Who says you’re not presidential
Who says you can’t be in movies
Listen to me, listen to me
Who says you don’t pass the test
Who says you can’t be the best
Who said, who said
Won’t you tell me who said that
Yeah, who said
Who says you're not perfect
Who says you're not worth it
Who says you're the only one that's hurting
trust me
That's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty
Who says you're not beautiful
Who says
Sejak mengenalmu gadis
Serasa hidupku indah berbunga
Panah asmaramu gadis
Adalah cinta pertama bagiku
Oh gadisku sa sa sayang
Dukamu adalah dukaku
Oh gadisku sa sa sayang
Milikku adalah miilikmu
Oh oh gadisku
Bercinta denganmu gadis
Hasrat hidupku penuh bergelora
Kasih sayangmu gadis
Lembutmu wangi seharum rambutmu
Oh gadisku sa sa sayang
Kau adalah belahan jiwaku
Oh gadisku sa sa sayang
Harapanku ada di tanganmu
Oh oh gadisku
Engkau gadisku cintaku selalu
Kasihku padamu setulus hatiku
Engkau gadisku pujaan hatiku
Asmara kita semoga abadi
Bercinta denganmu gadis
Hasrat hidupku penuh bergelora
Kasih sayangmu gadis
Lembutmu wangi seharum rambutmu
Oh gadisku sa sa sayang
Kau adalah belahan jiwaku
Oh gadisku sa sa sayang
Harapanku ada di tanganmu
Oh oh gadisku
Engkau gadisku sayangku selalu
Kasihku padamu setulus hatiku
Engkau gadisku pujaan hatiku
Asmara kita semoga abadi
S to be A to be Y SAY
Oh my girl give me a chance
Kau gadisku sa sa sayang
Harapanku di tanganmu
Our our our ei o
Let me the last forever
Jangan pernah kau tinggalkan aku
Baby because my heart is yours
Ooo yeah ooo yeah
Gadisku engkau gadisku...
Kaulah gadisku pujaan hatiku
Sayangku selalu gadisku gadisku
Kaulah gadisku pujaan hatiku
Sayangku selalu gadisku gadisku
Kaulah gadisku pujaan hatiku
Sayangku selalu gadisku gadisku
Kaulah gadisku pujaan hatiku
Sayangku selalu gadisku gadisku
Kaulah gadisku pujaan hatiku
Sayangku selalu gadisku gadisku
Serasa hidupku indah berbunga
Panah asmaramu gadis
Adalah cinta pertama bagiku
Oh gadisku sa sa sayang
Dukamu adalah dukaku
Oh gadisku sa sa sayang
Milikku adalah miilikmu
Oh oh gadisku
Bercinta denganmu gadis
Hasrat hidupku penuh bergelora
Kasih sayangmu gadis
Lembutmu wangi seharum rambutmu
Oh gadisku sa sa sayang
Kau adalah belahan jiwaku
Oh gadisku sa sa sayang
Harapanku ada di tanganmu
Oh oh gadisku
Engkau gadisku cintaku selalu
Kasihku padamu setulus hatiku
Engkau gadisku pujaan hatiku
Asmara kita semoga abadi
Bercinta denganmu gadis
Hasrat hidupku penuh bergelora
Kasih sayangmu gadis
Lembutmu wangi seharum rambutmu
Oh gadisku sa sa sayang
Kau adalah belahan jiwaku
Oh gadisku sa sa sayang
Harapanku ada di tanganmu
Oh oh gadisku
Engkau gadisku sayangku selalu
Kasihku padamu setulus hatiku
Engkau gadisku pujaan hatiku
Asmara kita semoga abadi
S to be A to be Y SAY
Oh my girl give me a chance
Kau gadisku sa sa sayang
Harapanku di tanganmu
Our our our ei o
Let me the last forever
Jangan pernah kau tinggalkan aku
Baby because my heart is yours
Ooo yeah ooo yeah
Gadisku engkau gadisku...
Kaulah gadisku pujaan hatiku
Sayangku selalu gadisku gadisku
Kaulah gadisku pujaan hatiku
Sayangku selalu gadisku gadisku
Kaulah gadisku pujaan hatiku
Sayangku selalu gadisku gadisku
Kaulah gadisku pujaan hatiku
Sayangku selalu gadisku gadisku
Kaulah gadisku pujaan hatiku
Sayangku selalu gadisku gadisku
Hey, we back
Get back with us again, ugh ...
Yeah check, check this out
Sempet ngerasa sedih
Kar'na sering di bully
Lelah jadinya malu
Kar'na dicibir mulu
Bukannya ku tak mengelak
Kata-kata yang kasar
Bukannya ku tak peduli
Semua caci dan maki
Senyuman ku tak akan
Pernah luntur lagi
Singing all day long
Semangat ku tak akan
Pernah patah lagi
Dancing all night long
Dancing all night long
Gak ada lagi keki
Ada kamu di hati
Hidup cuma sekali
Marilah kita happy
Awalnya ku tak menyangka
Dapatkan senyum darimu
Akhirnya ku bahagia
Menari kita bersama
Senyuman ku tak akan
Pernah luntur lagi
Singing all day long
(Singing all day long)
Semangat ku tak akan
Pernah patah lagi
Dancing all night long
(Dancing all night long
Dancing all night long
Dancing all night long
Dancing all night long)
Tak peduli ku di bully
Omongan lu gue beli
Cacian lu gue cuci
Dengan senyuman prestasi
Tak pernah ku malu
Kar'na cibiranmu
Ku jadikan motivasi untuk maju
No more mellow say no to galau
No more tears say no to fear
Let's dance together all day long
Let's dance together all night long
Let's dance together all day long
Let's dance together all night long
Senyuman ku tak akan
Pernah luntur lagi
Singing all day long
(Singing all day long)
Semangat ku tak akan
Pernah patah lagi
Dancing all night long
Senyuman ku tak akan
Pernah luntur lagi
Singing all day long
Semangat ku tak akan
Pernah patah lagi
Cause you blast me up
Get back with us again, ugh ...
Yeah check, check this out
Sempet ngerasa sedih
Kar'na sering di bully
Lelah jadinya malu
Kar'na dicibir mulu
Bukannya ku tak mengelak
Kata-kata yang kasar
Bukannya ku tak peduli
Semua caci dan maki
Senyuman ku tak akan
Pernah luntur lagi
Singing all day long
Semangat ku tak akan
Pernah patah lagi
Dancing all night long
Dancing all night long
Gak ada lagi keki
Ada kamu di hati
Hidup cuma sekali
Marilah kita happy
Awalnya ku tak menyangka
Dapatkan senyum darimu
Akhirnya ku bahagia
Menari kita bersama
Senyuman ku tak akan
Pernah luntur lagi
Singing all day long
(Singing all day long)
Semangat ku tak akan
Pernah patah lagi
Dancing all night long
(Dancing all night long
Dancing all night long
Dancing all night long
Dancing all night long)
Tak peduli ku di bully
Omongan lu gue beli
Cacian lu gue cuci
Dengan senyuman prestasi
Tak pernah ku malu
Kar'na cibiranmu
Ku jadikan motivasi untuk maju
No more mellow say no to galau
No more tears say no to fear
Let's dance together all day long
Let's dance together all night long
Let's dance together all day long
Let's dance together all night long
Senyuman ku tak akan
Pernah luntur lagi
Singing all day long
(Singing all day long)
Semangat ku tak akan
Pernah patah lagi
Dancing all night long
Senyuman ku tak akan
Pernah luntur lagi
Singing all day long
Semangat ku tak akan
Pernah patah lagi
Cause you blast me up
Lirik Lagu Chris Brown feat. Justin Bieber - Next 2 You Lyrics
Diposting oleh Debby Ayu Andina di 17.39
[Chris Brown]
You’ve got that smile
That only heaven can make
I pray to God everyday
That you keep that smile
[Justin Bieber]
Yeah, you are my dream
There’s not a thing I won’t do
I’ll give my life up for you
Cos you are my dream
And baby, everything that I have is yours
You will never go cold or hungry
I’ll be there when you’re insecure
Let you know that you’re always lovely
Girl, cos you are the only thing that I got right now
One day when the sky is falling
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
Nothing will ever come between us
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
[Chris Brown]
You had my child
You make my life complete
Just to have your eyes on little me
That’d be mine forever
And baby, everything that I have is yours
You will never go cold or hungry
I’ll be there when you’re insecure
Let you know that you’re always lovely
Girl, cos you are the only thing that I got right now
One day when the sky is falling
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
Nothing will ever come between us
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
We’re made for one another
Me and you
And I have no fear
I know we’ll make it through
One day when the sky is falling
I’ll be standing right next to you
Ohh ohh ohh ohhhhh
One day when the sky is falling
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
Nothing will ever come between us
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
Oh nah nah
Oh yeah
Stand by my side
When the sky falls
Oh baby
I’ll be there
You’ve got that smile
That only heaven can make
I pray to God everyday
To keep you forever
You’ve got that smile
That only heaven can make
I pray to God everyday
That you keep that smile
[Justin Bieber]
Yeah, you are my dream
There’s not a thing I won’t do
I’ll give my life up for you
Cos you are my dream
And baby, everything that I have is yours
You will never go cold or hungry
I’ll be there when you’re insecure
Let you know that you’re always lovely
Girl, cos you are the only thing that I got right now
One day when the sky is falling
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
Nothing will ever come between us
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
[Chris Brown]
You had my child
You make my life complete
Just to have your eyes on little me
That’d be mine forever
And baby, everything that I have is yours
You will never go cold or hungry
I’ll be there when you’re insecure
Let you know that you’re always lovely
Girl, cos you are the only thing that I got right now
One day when the sky is falling
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
Nothing will ever come between us
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
We’re made for one another
Me and you
And I have no fear
I know we’ll make it through
One day when the sky is falling
I’ll be standing right next to you
Ohh ohh ohh ohhhhh
One day when the sky is falling
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
Nothing will ever come between us
I’ll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
Oh nah nah
Oh yeah
Stand by my side
When the sky falls
Oh baby
I’ll be there
You’ve got that smile
That only heaven can make
I pray to God everyday
To keep you forever
Kamis, 10 Februari 2011
With you
With you
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
Now Romeo & Juliet
Bet they never felt the way we felt
Bonnie & Clyde
Never had to hide like
We do
We do
You and I, both know it can't work
It's all fun and games
'Til someone gets hurt
And I don't,
I won't let that be you
Now you don't wanna let go
And I don't wanna let you know
That there might be something real between us two
Who knew
Now we don't wanna fall but
We're tripping in our hearts
And it's reckless and clumsy
Cause I know you can't love me hey
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
But everything we have is stuck in the moment
And there's nothing my heart can do
To fight with time and space cause
I'm still stuck in the moment with you
See like Adam & Eve
Tragedy was a destiny
Like Sonny & Cher
I don't care
I got you baby
See we both
Fightin' every inch of our fibers
Cuz aint no way it's gonna end right but
We are both too foolish to stop
Now you don't wanna let go
And I don't wanna let you know
That there might be something real between us two
Who knew
And we don't wanna fall but
We're tripping in our hearts
And it's reckless and clumsy
And I know you can't love me hey
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
But everything we have is stuck in the moment
And there's nothing my heart can do
To fight with time and space cause
I'm still stuck in the moment with you
See like
Just because this cold, cruel world say we can't be
Baby we both have the right to disagree
And I ain't with it
And I don't wanna be so old and gray
Reminiscing 'bout these better days
But convince just telling us to let go
So we'll never know
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
Cause everything we did
And everything we have is stuck in the moment
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
(Oh no no)
But everything we have is stuck in the moment
And there's nothing my heart can do
(Nothing my heart can do)
To fight with time and space
(And space)
I'm still stuck in the moment with you
With you
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
Now Romeo & Juliet
Bet they never felt the way we felt
Bonnie & Clyde
Never had to hide like
We do
We do
You and I, both know it can't work
It's all fun and games
'Til someone gets hurt
And I don't,
I won't let that be you
Now you don't wanna let go
And I don't wanna let you know
That there might be something real between us two
Who knew
Now we don't wanna fall but
We're tripping in our hearts
And it's reckless and clumsy
Cause I know you can't love me hey
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
But everything we have is stuck in the moment
And there's nothing my heart can do
To fight with time and space cause
I'm still stuck in the moment with you
See like Adam & Eve
Tragedy was a destiny
Like Sonny & Cher
I don't care
I got you baby
See we both
Fightin' every inch of our fibers
Cuz aint no way it's gonna end right but
We are both too foolish to stop
Now you don't wanna let go
And I don't wanna let you know
That there might be something real between us two
Who knew
And we don't wanna fall but
We're tripping in our hearts
And it's reckless and clumsy
And I know you can't love me hey
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
But everything we have is stuck in the moment
And there's nothing my heart can do
To fight with time and space cause
I'm still stuck in the moment with you
See like
Just because this cold, cruel world say we can't be
Baby we both have the right to disagree
And I ain't with it
And I don't wanna be so old and gray
Reminiscing 'bout these better days
But convince just telling us to let go
So we'll never know
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
Cause everything we did
And everything we have is stuck in the moment
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
(Oh no no)
But everything we have is stuck in the moment
And there's nothing my heart can do
(Nothing my heart can do)
To fight with time and space
(And space)
I'm still stuck in the moment with you
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